Friday, June 15, 2012

The Panhandler Tax

In some places panhandling is illegal or cops have found ways to use other traffic laws to try to eliminate panhandlers. Let me explain why this doesn't work.

Some panhandlers might get scared off after one ticket or a couple encounters with the police. This type of panhandler probably hasn't been doing it long. He's an amateur. A professional panhandler knows that this is inevitable. It comes with the territory.

Most panhandlers aren't scared of a ticket or even arrest. Most look at it like it's a tax for doing business.

I'll use my experience in Southern California as an example. I didn't get harassed by the police every day. Sometimes I went weeks without encountering a officer. I was always aware of my surroundings and made sure to limit my exposure to the police as much as possible. Inevitably though I would get stopped every so often. Most of the time I would get a warning. If it was an officer I had already dealt with a few times I might get a ticket.

The ticket was for panhandling within 500 feet of a freeway. The fine was $277. If I get the ticket in September I have at least 2 months before I have to go to court or pay the fine. Toward the end of my 2 months I go to the court clerk and ask for an extension. I believe I could get at least 2 extensions. By playing the game I am now in December or January before I even have to go before a judge.

When I finally do see a judge I can either get the ticket reduced or thrown out. I can also opt for something they call "homeless court" in Orange County. If all else fails I might have to pay the $277 for the ticket at which time I can set up payment arrangements or just sit out the fine in jail.

This is the tax for doing business. It's a risk most of us are willing to take because the money we make is good enough to risk the small punishment.

1 comment:

  1. Thats right i know quite a few panhandler most of them are good men, with big hearts.Butt make panhandling completely illegal and these same men out of desperation could resort to crime.Thats why I say panhandlers UNITE and will be organazing the 1st Panhandles union. PANHANDLERS ASSOSIATION LOCAL No.1
