Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Ugly Truth

I decided to come back to this blog because there's a lot of misconceptions about homeless people and panhandlers. I've done a lot of reading about panhandlers because I have been there, done that. There's a lot of of people writing articles or blogs about homelessness that have their own agenda. They are either stretching the truth or leaving a lot of important information out.

There are also people that have no idea what it's like to actually be homeless. Maybe they've volunteered in a soup kitchen. They may have interviewed a few homeless people. They could have even spent a couple of nights on the streets as an experiment. These people talk like they are experts on the issue. Really they have no clue. I don't even have much of a clue and I've lived this off and on for 3 1/2 years.

I kind of got the idea about this blog from a guy who started another blog titled "Why Lie, I Need a Drink." His blog was pretty successful. Basically this guy went panhandling for a certain amount of time to see if he could support himself by panhandling alone. I'm not too sure what his real motives were to. In the end he produced a documentary about his panhandling experiences.

This guy used his blog to beg for money. Some people call it cyber-begging. According to him, people would actually send him money. He never claimed to make very much, maybe just a few dollars here or there. My biggest problem with him was that he admitted he was trying to fund his lifestyle by panhandling, he didn't want to work. Although he wasn't using the money for drugs or alcohol, this still bothered me a little bit. Then again, if people knew why he was doing it and they were still sending him money, then who am I to say anything right?

I thought, "If this guy can make a few dollars off his silly blog, then why can't I? After all, I have a real legitimate need."

But I'm not writing this blog just to make a couple of dollars. If people throw a few bones my way, then great. If not, no worries. For me, this is more about getting the word out about homelessness. I'm able to share my story and maybe give some advice. I can even come back and read about my own experiences down the road. Even if nobody else ever reads this blog, I still benefit from it.

I do hope people read it though. At the very least I hope I can help someone else facing homelessness. I hope they stumble upon this blog and can take something positive from this. I'm not the greatest writer. What you are reading is going to be really raw. I shoot straight from the hip. I'm not afraid to step on toes or hurt feelings. I'm not going to sugarcoat anything. The truth isn't pretty but it needs to be told. I have no personal agenda. Hopefully in the next few months I can expose some of that truth.

I believe there is no tougher job than being a beggar. Nothing is harder than asking for compassion from people who hold you in contempt. Begging does a service, because it is a reminder to the fortunate that they could fall too.

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