Thursday, August 25, 2011

My Homeless Rules

When I was homeless I came up with 30 rules to being homeless, or getting off the streets I should say. I lost the list of rules but I was going through some old emails and I found them. At some point maybe someone that is homeless might stumble upon this blog so I thought I should post these rules. Most of these things are common sense but you would be amazed that most of the time when you become homeless, common sense goes right out the window. I truly believe if you follow these simple rules that you will stay as safe as possible and get yourself off the streets.

1. Be careful who you associate with. Just because you are homeless does not mean you have to mingle with other homeless people all the time. It's not being judgemental, there's a lot of negative energy in this community and it's far too easy to get sucked into that mentality.

2. If you do mingle with the homeless, use them to get valuable information such as when and where you can get a meal, or where you can locate resources that are available to the homeless. Be careful though, some people will you give you the wrong information or lead you in the wrong direction. I don't know if it's just plain ignorance or they just want to mess with you. It's always best to ask more than one person just to be sure.

3. Reality: There are very few homeless people that really want to better themselves or get themselves off the streets. This I know from experience. Hang out with people that will better you, not bring you down. Do not hang with guys that sit around drinking all day and stay clear of anyone that does illegal drugs.

4. Find a safe, quiet place to sleep. This should be one of your first priorities when you become homeless. There are homeless shelters in some cities but don't count on them. Shelters have a lot of negative drawbacks and they are not for everyone. When you find your sleeping spot be sure not to tell anyone where it is unless you know beyond a doubt that you can trust them and that they won't screw up your spot. Keep a low profile. Get up early (before dawn is best) and clean up after yourself. Leave no trace that you were ever there. Pay close attention to the patterns and habits of people that reside or work in the area where you sleep so you can go undetected. Last but not least, make sure your spot is in an area that the local police don't patrol often.

5. This goes back to rule number 4, stay clear of homeless shelters if at all possible. They are notorious for being loud all night and it's really hard to sleep. You will have to follow strict curfews and very negative people. You will also leave yourself more venerable to illnesses. I believe that shelters are not the answer if you want to get off the streets.

6. Get at least 6 solid hours of sleep a night. More if possible. It's very important to get your rest. You will not be able to function properly without the right amount of rest and your mental and reasoning skills will decline rapidly.

7. If you can, get a dog. A dog can be a huge responsibility but it will protect you and wake you up at night if people or wild animals try to attack you while you sleep. A dog also makes a great companion. One major drawback is that the dog may bark at night and give you away.

8. Avoid eating fast food or eating at restaurants. This is a major expense and the food is not very healthy. Fast food will not only drain your wallet but also your energy. Try to buy small quantities of food and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. You want to maintain your health and keep your immune system as strong as possible.

9. As tempting as it might be, do not drink alcohol or do drugs of any kind. This should be common sense but most people can't avoid this pitfall on the streets. This isn't going to solve your problems and will only set you back even further. If you smoke, now is a great time to quit. You will feel much healthier, get sick less often, and save tons of cash.

10. If you don't have a car, buy a used bicycle. This is great exercise and can save you time and money getting from place to place.

11. Join a gym. Try a place like the YMCA or 24Hour Fitness. You will have a place to shower and you can get into shape. Maintain your hygiene. People will judge you based on your appearance and how well you groom yourself. Try to blend in and not appear homeless. This will help you get a job faster and at most gyms the cost comes out to about a buck or less a day.

12. Buy a cellphone. Even if your credit is bad you can at least get a prepaid phone or get on a pay-as-you-go plan. You need a phone so you can apply for jobs and so friends or family can contact you. Cellphones are great in case of an emergency and you don't need minutes to dial 911. Be careful of companies like Metro PCS though. You get what you pay for.

13. Get a PO Box or use a place like Mail Boxes Ect. for your mail. This is a valuable tool.

14. Rent a small storage unit so you don't have to lug all your belongings everywhere. This will help you not appear homeless and you don't have to worry about your stuff getting stolen.

15. If you can't afford a storage unit, find a safe, dry, hidden place for your belongings. Make sure nobody sees you stash your stuff and make sure you don't hide your stuff so well that you can't find it when you return!

16. Locate free or low-cost showers if you can. Try local swimming pools or the YMCA, they don't charge much for a shower. Always know where a clean bathroom with a mirror is. Stay clean. Try to shower at least every other day. Brush your teeth every day.

17. Look for a job every day. Try to spend at least an hour or two every day looking online and applying for jobs. If you are able to work, take whatever you can get. Restaurants jobs are usually easier to get because of the high turnover of employees and you can get great discounts on meals or sometimes even free food! This isn't the time to look for your dream job. Anything is better than drawing a blank.

18. If you must panhandle, then panhandle. Don't be afraid of rejection. Have no fear. Be polite and ask for change with a smile on your face. Make good eye contact. If they say no, still be polite and thank them anyways. Remember, nobody owes you anything. Be grateful for what you do get. Try holding a sign if you are willing.

19. Make friends with people that are not homeless. Hang out with people that have positive attitudes. Cut out anyone that is negative or that sucks the energy out of you. You are better off without them. Get rid of toxic friends. They are like a cancer.

20. Join a church even if you're not religious. Not only will make some good friends but it's good to have faith in a higher power when you are going through tough times. Try to pray every day and every night. You might feel better.

21. Join some websites such as or Make some friends that you have some common interests with.

22. The library is your friend. Use it. It is a warm, dry, safe place to hang out. Most have internet service for free. If you have a laptop, use their free wifi. While you are there you can search for jobs, look for local resources, or even just learn something new. They always have a copy of the local paper for free to look at. If nothing else, expand your mind. Read a good book, (the library is known to have books, who knew?) Remember, be respectful at the library and never sleep there.

23. Stay dry. There is nothing worse than being homeless and being soaking wet. Follow the weather and know what's coming so you can prepare.

24. Buy a cheap sleeping bag. Walmart has some (40 degree rating) that are just $9.99. Make sure you buy one that will work for the climate you're in.

25. Like Kenny Rogers said "Know when to fold 'em, know when to run." Sometimes you just have to cut your losses and move on. If what you are doing just isn't working out don't be afraid to try something new or travel to a new place if possible. Also, don't be afraid to ask for help.

26. Always try to stay positive. It's hard to do in tough times but it's probably the single most important trait you can have out there. Your attitude will make or break you. When shit hits the fan, turn off the fan. You have to want to get out of this situation bad enough.

27. Save money. I don't care what you make. Save at least 50% of everything you make. This shouldn't be that hard since you are homeless and don't have rent to pay. Don't touch your savings unless it's absolute emergency or it's for a permanent place to live.

28. Don't get too comfortable on the streets. It's easier to do than you think.

29. Set goals for yourself. It doesn't matter how big or small these goals are. Make daily goals as well as weekly goals. Set your sights on something ahead and aim for it.

30. Refer to these rules daily. You don't have to follow every rule I have here. Maybe you have some of your own that you want to add for yourself. Whatever you do, follow some sort of rules and pull yourself together. When you become homeless your confidence fades quickly. Don't sink too low.

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